Sustainable logistics must stem from the roots of an operation and exist throughout the life cycle of an event. We are constantly evaluating our role in this and looking for ways to assist our customers to do the same.
Sustainable Logistics
We provide freight greenhouse gas emission data at quoting stage. Customers will see price, freight timelines and Co2e consumption information side by side, before placing a booking, empowering them to make informed decisions when choosing logistics options.
Freight CO2 emissions can be reduced if cargo is packed wisely, limiting the volumes and the requirements wherever possible. At GAC Pindar, we encourage our customers to make use of our load optimisation software and limit the number of moves per cargo piece.
We provide options to use low emission vehicles where available and, when customer timelines allow, actively push freight via rail transport as the least environmentally harmful logistics solution, or onto ocean carriers, taking it off the roads and out of the air. To make this happen, logistics requirements and routing plans must be planned out well in advance. Customers can use our feasibility planning services to ensure freight is shipped as sustainably as possible.
Another focus area for the marine sport, leisure and event industries is the reduction in packaging materials that end up in landfill. Our ‘on-the-ground’ team constantly looks at the recycling of levelling materials and reuses as much as possible. We advise on shrink-wrap requirements, suggesting ways to reduce the need and source recycling centres at arrival destinations. Removal of single-use plastics throughout an events supply chain is a goal we share with many customers.
In October 2019, we became a pilot partner of 11th Hour Racing’s Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool, MarineShift360, which was created to help the recreational and performance yachting world reduce its use of resources and cut waste, pollution and carbon emissions, driving a shift towards a circular economy. We have helped to shape the transport section of the tool and hope it goes on to help the industry identify where real, measurable reductions can be made in fossil fuel consumption. The tool is live and can be accessed here.
Acting Together
Increasingly, customers are seeking greener logistics solutions and, where possible, we provide information on how to make their freight operations more sustainable.
Much of this relies on having the time to make greenhouse gas (GHG) reducing decisions. However, we are realists and know that often time is not in anyone’s favour, so solutions often have to be found at the last minute pushing freight onto the roads and into the air. In such cases, we can put you in touch with a suitable carbon offsetting programme, placing you in full control of your investment. With logistics often the part of a programme’s budget where cost efficiencies are sought, we will work with you to find the best way forward, both environmentally and economically.
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